So this is amazing. Almost one year later and I'm gong to do a brief update on this here blog. Alternate working title: I Don't Have Time to Blog. I'm still going to get back to what are lampwork beads and why should I care but for the moment, back to the Blog. It sounds so swampy. The word Blog. I'm thinking of Bog which is also perfect because we get bogged down with things and STILL don't have time to blog. There is a Dr. Seuss rhyme in there somewhere but it's late and I really need to go to bed. So you, dear reader (and it probably is singular), will have to make your own rhyme.
So what have I been doing? Uh, mostly working. I do have a day job. I transferred from catalog design to email/web page design and have many, many, many things to learn. So that took up a lot of my time. Alternately I just got done with my holiday show season. I did 4 weekends of shows and was really hoping to ratchet up my sales for this year (by doing more shows) when the economy did a swan dive from 50,000 feet. Guess it wasn't a good year for hopes and dreams.
So that brings me to today. It's 2009 I just got done doing paperwork for sales tax for 2 cities and the state. Ow my head hurts and wow did that take a long time and I'm IMing my friend who keeps telling me I need to twitter on top of blogging. I don't have time to blog, so how should I fit in twittering? So I'm looking at site trying to figure out how to use it. Thank god for my friend because she had the LINK to my blog and I was fortunate enough to remember my log in and password. It's a miracle. Which brings me to my other point. Which I'm really just making now. She sells products for men. Which is a great niche because other than meat and sporting goods, nobody really caters to men. Especially with skin and hair care. So she makes this wonderful stache wax so where does she hang out? Sites/twitters/blogs that cater to men's beards. I hate her. Please tell me the site for well to do chicks (or dudes who buy for their chicks) who like handcrafted beaded jewelry? I need that site.